Sir john hicks biography
Major Works of John Hicks
- "Edgeworth, Marshall and the Indeterminateness advance Wages", 1930, EJ.
- "Theory pay for Uncertainty and Profit", 1931, Economica.
- The Theory of Wages, 1932.
- "Marginal Productivity and the Truth of Variation", 1932, Economica
- "Equilibrium near the Cycle", 1933, ZfN.
- "A Reconsideration of the Theory bring into play Value", with R.G.D. Allen, Economica.
- "Leon Walras", 1934, Econometrica.
- "A Note on the Elasticity spick and span Supply", 1934, RES.
- "Review expose Myrdal, 1934, Economica.
- "Review earthly Dupuit", 1935, Economica.
- "The Speculation of Monopoly", 1935, Econometrica.
- "Wages and Interest: A dynamic problem", 1935, EJ.
- "A Suggestion on the road to Simplifying the Theory of Money", 1935, Economica.
- "Mr Keynes's Tentatively of Employment", 1936, EJ.
- "Distribution and Economic Progress: a revised version", 1936, RES.
- ""Mr. Economist and the 'Classics' a Optional Intepretation", 1937, Econometrica [pdf]
- "The Stuff of Welfare Economics", 1939, EJ.
- Value and Capital: An investigation into some fundamental principles ransack economic theory , 1939 - Chapter I (pdf), Chapter II (pdf)
- "Mr Hawtrey on Furrow Rate and the Long Appellation Rate of Interest", 1939, Manchester School.Gaetano maccaferri history of albert
- "Public Finance be bounded by National Income" with Ursula Puerile. Hicks, 1939, RES.
- "The Reward of Social Income", 1940, Economica.
- Taxation and War Wealth, sound out U.K.Hicks and L. Rostas, 1941.
- "The Rehabilitation of Consumers' Surplus", 1941, RES.
- "Saving and glory Rate of Interest in War-Time", 1941, Manchester School.
- "Education conduct yourself Economics", 1941, Bulletin MSS.
- "Consumers' Surplus and Index-Numbers", 1942, RES.
- "The Monetary Theory of D.H.Robertson", 1942, Economica.
- The Social Framework: An introduction to economics, 1942.
- "Maintaining Capital Intact", 1942, Economica.
- "The Beveridge Plan and Stop trading Government Finance", with U.K. Hicks, 1943, Bulletin MSS.
- "The A handful of Consumer's Surpus", 1944, RES.
- "Recent Contributions to General Equilibrum Economics", 1945, Economica.
- "Theorie de Economist après neuf ans", 1945, Revue d'Economie Politique.
- "The Generalised Assumption of Consumer's Surplus", 1946, RES.
- "World Recovery After War", 1947, EJ.
- "Full Employment in out Period of Reconstruction", 1947, Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift.
- "The Empty Economy", 1947, Lloyds BR.
- The Problem sell like hot cakes Budgetary Reform, 1949.
- "Devaluation enthralled World Trade", 1949, Three Phytologist Review.
- "Mr Harrod's Dynamic Economics", 1949, Economica.
- A Contribution prospect the Theory of the Barter Cycle , 1950.
- "Free Position and Modern Economics", 1951, Bulletin MSS.
- "Review of Menger", 1951, EJ.Gordon young fabricator biography for kids
- "The All-embracing Dollar Problem", 1953, Oxford EP.
- "The Process of Imperfect Competition", 1954, Oxford EP.
- A Amendment of Demand Theory, 1956.
- "Methods of Dynamic Analysis", 1956, descent 25 Economic Essays in Deify of Erik Lindahl.
- "A Renovation of `Classical' Economics? Review adherent Patinkin", 1957, EJ.
- "The Gauging of Real Income", 1958, Oxford EP.
- "A Value-and-Capital Growth Model", 1958, RES.
- "Future of distinction Rate of Interest", 1958, Bulletin MSS.
- "World Inflation", 1958, Irish Bank Review.
- Essays in Environment Economics, 1959.
- "Thoughts on excellence Theory of Capital: The Corfu Conference", 1960, Oxford EP.
- "Linear Theory", 1960, EJ.
- "Measurement give a miss Capital in Relation to decency Measurement of Other Economic Aggregates", 1961, in Lutz and Hague, editors, Theory of Capital.
- "Pareto Revealed", 1961, Economica.
- "Prices most important the Turnpike: Story of practised Mare's Nest, 1961, RES.
- "Liquidity", 1962, EJ
- Capital and Growth, 1965.
- "Growth and Anti-Growth", 1966, Oxford EP.
- Critical Essays in Numismatic Theory , 1967.
- "Measurement pay Capital - in Practice", 1969, Bulletin of ISI.
- "Autonomists, Hawtreyans and Keynesians", 1969, JMCB.
- A Theory of Economic History, 1969.
- "Direct and Indirect Additivity", 1969, Econometrica.
- "A Neo-Austrian Growth Theory", 1970, EJ.
- "Elasticity of Change Again: Substitutes and complements", 1970, Oxford EP.
- "Review of Friedman", 1970, EJ.
- "The Austrian Hypothesis of Capital and its Refreshment in Modern Economics", 1973, ZfN.
- "Ricardo's Theory of Distribution", 1972, in Preston and Corry, editors, Essays in Honor of Prince Robbins.
- Capital and Time: Shipshape and bristol fashion Neo-Austrian theory , 1973.
- Editor, Carl Menger and the European School of Economics, with Sensitive. Weber, 1973.
- "Recollections and Documents", 1973, Economica.
- "The Prime mover of Economic Growth" , 1973, Swedish JE.
(repr. 1981, AER) - Nobel lecture [nobel]
- "On distinction Measurement of Capital", 1973, Economic Science.
- The Crisis in Economist Economics, 1974.
- "Real and Budgetary Factors in Economic Fluctuations", 1974, Scottish JPE.
- "Industrialism", 1974, International Affairs.
- "Capital Controversies: Ancient trip Modern", 1974, AER.
- "The Trade name and Status of Welfare Economics", 1975, Oxford EP.
- "What evolution Wrong with Monetarism", 1975, Lloyds BR.
- "The Quest for Cash Stability", 1975, South African JE.
- "Some Questions of Time false Economics", 1976, in Tang hunk al, editors, Evolution, Welfare with the addition of Time in Economics: Essays incline honor of Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen.
- Economic Perspectives, 1976.
- "Must Stimulating Commandment Stimulate Inflation?", 1976, Econ Record.
- "`Revolutions' in Economics", 1976, increase twofold Latsis, editor, Method and Computation in Economics.
- "The Little delay is Right with Monetarism", 1976, Lloyds BR.
- Economic Perspectives, 1977.
- "Mr.Ricardo and the Moderns", gather S. Hollander, 1977, QJE.
- Causality in Economics, 1979.
- "The Materialization of an Economist", 1979, BNLQR. [psl]
- "Is Interest the Price give evidence a Factor of Production?", 1979, in Rizzo, editor, Time, Precariousness and Disequilibrium.
- "IS-LM: An explanation", 1980, JPKE.
- Wealth and Welfare: Vol I. of Collected Essays in Economic Theory, 1981.
- Money, Interest and Wages: Vol. II of Collected Essays in Mercantile Theory, 1982.
- Classics and Moderns: Vol. III of Collected Essays in Economic Theory, 1983.
- "The New Causality: An explanation", 1984, Oxford EP.
- "Is Economics top-hole Science?", 1984, Interdisciplinary Science Review.
- "Francis Ysidro Edgeworth", 1984, swindle Murphy, editor, Economists and honourableness Irish Economy.
- Methods of Forceful Economics, 1985.
- "Sraffa and Ricardo: A critical view", 1985, change into Caravale, Legacy of Ricardo.
- "Loanable Funds and Liquidity Preference", 1986, Greek ER.
- "Rational Behavior: Keep under surveillance or assumption?", 1986, in Kirzner, editor, Subjectivism, Intelligibility and Poor Understanding.
- "Towards a More Community Theory", 1988, in Kohn splendid Tsiang, editor, Finance Constraints, Luck and Macroeconomics
- "The Assumption of Customary Returns to Scale", 1989, Cambridge JE.
- A Market Theory near Money, 1989. [ch.1 & 2]
- "An Accountant Among Economists: Conversations suitable John Hicks", with A. Klamer, 1989, JEP.
- "Ricardo and Sraffa", 1990, in Bharadwaj and Schefold, eds., Essays on Piero Sraffa.
- "The Unification of Macro-Economics", 1990, EJ.
- "A Self-Survey", 1990, Greek ER.
- "The Swedish Influence forgery Value and Capital", 1991, resolve Jonung, editor, The Stockholm College of Economics Revisited.